
  • AI Overviews will offer local language support in each of the six nations where it will be available.
  • The upgrade is being released by the business during increased scrutiny around AI Overviews’ usage of web content.

Google LLC expands AI Overview features of its search engine to be available in India, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Indonesia, and the U.K.

The move was made about three months after the corporation made the capability widely accessible in the U.S. Artificial intelligence models produce natural language responses that AI Overviews presents to users when they type specific questions into Google Search. When a search engine gets a list of website links in response to a query, the answer usually appears first.

AI Overviews will offer local language support in each of the six nations where it will be available. The update to be released in the upcoming weeks, also involves another improvement. To provide more links to the websites where the information in the feature is sourced, Google is updating the AI Overviews panel at the top of search results.

Google’s Senior Director of product management for search, Hema Budaraju, reported, “We’re also currently testing the addition of links to relevant web pages directly within the text of AI Overviews (in addition to the prominent links we already show), making it even easier for people to click out and visit sites that interest them.” More interface enhancements could be seen in the future.

The company released the upgrade during the increased scrutiny around AI Overviews’ web content utility. According to reports, publishers are unable to choose not to have their content included in AI-generated responses without simultaneously taking their websites down from Google Search. Several media executives who assessed the article claimed that this might make traffic acquisition and monetization challenging.

Due to the close integration of the two systems, Google informed that disabling AI Overviews causes websites to be removed from its search engine. The company claims that excluding only some portions of a website from AI Overviews would probably result in their removal from search results as well.

The business practices of the Alphabet Inc. unit in the search market were previously brought to light two weeks ago when a federal judge declared that Google Search is an illegal monopoly that the company maintains. The decision referenced contracts of Google with Apple Inc. and other businesses to guarantee that their devices were programmed to use its service by default. A jury previously found that Google had breached antitrust laws in the mobile app industry last year.

What effect, if any, those legal developments would have on AI Overviews is unknown. The massive search engine is still adding capabilities to the utility. Along with the recent announcement that AI Overviews will now be accessible in more nations, Google also revealed two test capabilities that allow users to save and rephrase the tool’s generated inquiry results.